An open letter to my Husband

Dear Ajul,

Firstly, I would like to say I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for being so physically weak, that house chores are left incomplete half the time. I’m sorry for being so physically weak, that I always leave our son to you even though I know you are probably 10x more tired than I am. I’m sorry for being so physically weak, that I bug you to give me a massage just to ease my pain almost every other night. I’m sorry for being so physically weak, that even things which a housewife should be doing has to be done by you.

Secondly, thank you.

Thank you for all the times you took out the thrash, for all the times you swayed our son to sleep in the middle of the night, for all the times you had to massage me when your arms are aching, for all the times you washed the toilets, for all the times you did the laundry, for all the times you ironed our clothes, for all the times you vacuumed and mopped the entire house, for all the times you picked up our son’s toys all over the living room floor, for all the times you changed the curtains and sheets, for all the times you shifted the furniture, for all the times you scraped things off the floor, for all the times you cooked because I can’t.

At any time I hear a woman says that she doesn’t need a man to make her happy, I beg to differ. Yes, I’m sure I can survive without you, I’m sure I will have happiness, and I’m sure our kids will still healthily grow into good people. But a life without you?

My choice is you. Every single time. Over and over again.

I am so happy to be able to write this open letter to you. You know you and I can never have a decently serious conversation without bursting into laughter or bickering at useless points, so I would be excited to know that you will read this till the very end.

Since the day we met, you have always let me shine through your ability to sing praises for me. Since the day I let you walk into my life, you are always supporting me by the sidelines. Your determination and drive for success reminds me that I myself am capable of all sorts of greatness.

I’ve always seen you as my constant, my rock – one who keeps me grounded no matter how far in life I go. You are not romantic, my man of few words, but you always seem to know what I need at the right time. You are the most patient man I’ve ever met in my entire life, I would swear on that. The way you battle everything that life throws at you is something I pray our children will follow.

Have I told you that you are amazing, Ajul? A great husband and definitely an even greater father. Please continue to set goals, and don’t stop making dreams for yourself – I will always be here to cushion your falls on your way up. Please continue to show me everything you’ve got, and don’t stop sharing your weaknesses with me so that we can overcome them together.

Most of all, be you.. Only you.


Your loving wife ❤

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