800 years later

(Not that I’m being sexist, but I believe no guy ever reads my blog?)

So, after 6 long months, I am finally back on my WordPress dashboard just screening through stories on my reader. Yes, I am still very much alive. And yes, my son is doing absolutely well.

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah. 🙂

Throughout these 8 months, I have been watching my son hit little milestones and achieving little things (like finally being able to suddenly get up and cruise himself along furniture & of course, his two little teeth on his bottom gums – UGH SO CUTE). It has been fulfilling and most definitely rewarding indeed!

Just to dive briefly into how I survived the first few months of motherhood – something I’ve been wanting to share ever since I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy.

Looking back, the first few weeks started off pretty rough because he seemed to have a little bit of trouble differentiating day and night. He would sleep all day and stay awake crying all night – IT WAS TERRIBLE. Despite being a first time mom who has had prior experience caring for babies (thanks to my parents), I think caring for your own child is different. 😌

It made me feel helpless when I try and try, yet he wouldn’t stop crying.

Some nights were difficult, especially when I had cracked and sore nips from not being able to latch properly. Other nights were equally bad, because Hubs was also not quite sure how he could help other than constant Zikr. My son also had this habit of needing to be swayed to sleep, and then put on either one of our chests for about an hour, before we can actually lay him on our bed for him to sleep.

Anyway, he was waking up every hour for milk and boy, was it tiring! At that time, I haven’t mastered the art of breastfeeding lying down. He was still so tiny, that I was afraid I’d crush him or something.


But after a while, I think we finally got used to each other. It takes two to tango, yes? So, if I wanted to get used to having a baby in my marriage, I’m sure my baby needed to get used to having me in his life. To be honest, it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies – I’m sure most of us know that by now. 🙊

I’ve had a few rough nights of breakdowns because I felt hormonally miserable for no apparent reason. Alhamdulillah, thoughts of Allah and how He has granted me this opportunity to be a mother stopped me from all the depressing crying.

Oh no, I wasn’t having PPD or anything.. I felt like I was just being a little dramatic.


Here’s a photo of the smiley little bubs, at about 5 months. At 8 months now, he is standing at almost 8.5kg!


Steady, my love. 😘

Other updates would basically revolve around work. If you follow me on Instagram, you would know that I’ve started working just a little after my son turned 4 months. So it’s been 4 months since I’ve been in this new job and.. So far so good. Except for the fact that some people are just difficult to work with (I mean, there will always be that one person right?), everything else seems to be falling in place.

And insya Allah, it will continue to fall into place as time goes by.

I have been extremely busy being, first of all, a wife. I never thought it would be this difficult – juggling between trying to be the ideal wife to an imperfectly perfect husband, as well as an awesome mum to a beautiful growing baby boy.

Let’s save that for the next entry, shall we?

For now, we’ll just leave things the way they are. May Allah guide and protect my family always, in all ways. ❤

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